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The best way we know of to support local businesses is to support the nonprofit organizations that work in communities across the nation to strengthen their local business ecosystems.



join us!

We are committed to the goal of helping locally-owned businesses across the country.

To achieve this goal, we launched the LocalFirst Community as a place where we gather, collaborate and thrive. Membership in the LocalFirst Community is open to alll independent businesses and any nonprofit organization whose membership is comprised of locally-owned businesses. Whether you call yourself a Merchant’s Association, Independent Business Alliance, Collective, Guild or Group, if your members are locally-owned businesses, we welcome you to the LocalFirst Community. 

We offer specialized training for nonprofit organizations to help you grow. And it’s free for LocalFirst Community members! See LocalFirst Community training.


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about us

LFC Members
Dane Buy Local
Louisville Independent Buiness Alliance

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What’s new at LFC

Shop Local Week 2023

Our LFC members join us in celebrating Shop Local Week the first week in May. Shop Local Week is for you, the wonderful customers of locally owned businesses. You sustain, nurture, grow and influence the local businesses in your community. Not by some herculean effort but simply by being their customer. Hardly a chore since they give you so much in return.

IBAs included in USDA Grant Application

The Local Business Institute has applied for a USDA Grant to survey rural businesses. Four IBAs were included in the grant application. Wish us luck!

Summer Staycation Campaign

LFC members participated in the Summer Staycation Campaign which promoted an exciting staycation with a locaalized blog and social media posts. “Perhaps you’re considering the dreaded staying home. Fear not! You’re not staying home, you’re going on a spectacular Staycation!

Just like a vacation, you have to do a little planning for a truly successful staycation. Our Staycation Challenge: Use all local businesses and go only to places you’ve never been.”

Classes for Your Members

As a member of the LocalFirst Community, your members can take local business classes at the LBI Virtual Campus for half price—a big benefit for you and your members! These are online and on-demand to be convenient for busy business owners.

Classes for LFC Members

The LBI Virtual Campus has classes for nonprofit orgs too, not just your business members. Check out the LocalFirst Community classes for short online and on-demand classes for starting, funding and growing a local business organization. Take one or all and grow your org.