LocalFirst Community
LocalFirst recognizes, values and supports the importance of locally owned businesses in any community. We encourage all to Shop Local whenever possible. Local business makes your local economy thrive and your life full of unique and wonderful choices. They are your neighbors and friends, community supporters and partners. They’re also your trusted advisors and services.
Beyond the economic and community benefits of shopping locally, it’s just plain fun. Products and choices are provided just for you, not everyone everywhere. And there’s someone to listen to your requests, usually an owner who can make decisions. Want to see something on the menu? Ask the owner. Want to see more cool-weather clothing? Ask the owner. Need a service not on the list? Ask the owner.
Studies across the country show that spending locally recirculates 3-5 times as much money in your community as spending with a big box or chain store. Your community collects more sales taxes to pay for emergency services, parks, libraries and so much more. The profits stay local rather than being sent out of state or even out of country. This helps support little league teams, children’s services and causes you care about through philanthropy. Read more about the LocalFirst Community.
We offer a growing array of programs to accomplish shifting consumer spending to local:
Shop Local Week
Celebrate Shop Local Week by being a customer to a locally owned business every day from May 1-7. Small local businesses are here to serve your every need. You need them and they need you! Take the Shop Local Week Challenge and pick something every day to do with a local business. Shop Local Week was created in support of the SBA’s Small Business Week. With Shop Local Week, customers can now participate in the week-long celebration of all things local business. Reaad all about it here.
Social Media Campaigns
We produce a variety of social media campaigns throughout the year for LocalFirst Community members. Current campaigns include Shop Local Holidays, Love Your Locals, LocalBiz Quotes, Shop Local Week and more. To access these resources, join the LocalFirst Community.
economic development